Easter in Austin
The month started off with a trip to Austin for Easter to visit Aunt Jen and Uncle Tony. We stayed at their place and visited a few people in Austin.

A funny story from Blakely: She really likes Tony and before I asked Blakely if she needed to go to the bathroom, in which she turns to Tony and asks if he wants to wipe her. I told her that is a mommy or daddy thing to do, then Blakely proceeds to ask if he will put lotion on her body. Which again, I told her that was a mommy or daddy thing to do. It was really cute.
We went to the Harwards and they had two easter eggs full of mini M&Ms. It was really cute how they thought about our daughter before we came out.
Grandma Jeanne and Aunt Amber Come To Town
We were lucky to have some family come to town! Aunt Amber and Grandma Jeanne came to town for a few days. It was a quick trip but there was plenty of fun.

House issues
Our power went off sporadically over the last few months and we just went out and flipped the main breaker but over the weekend it kept going off. So we called an electrician to have them look at it. Well… unfortunately our main breaker wire was corroding and it needed to be changed immediately. We worked with Bowman Electric which was super great at getting it done within a day so we didn’t have to find accommodations.

Last but not least, we went to a play a young woman was in. Willy Wonka. Blakely called it Mr Wonka and the candy factory.

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