Yep, we are expecting!
Surprise! Ben and I have been pretty good at keeping this on the DL while on the road but finally read to share with the world that we will be introducing a baby Beck in February of 2020. The timing of this little one is really great as we are ready to be parents, as well as settle down after this RV adventure. 18 months full time on the road, seeing the whole country has been amazing but we are also excited about this new adventure who is only the size of an apple right now.
Finding Out
No, this baby wasn’t a surprise. We decided after the new year (2019) was a good time to start trying and see if we could even get pregnant. To our surprise, it only took a few months and on June 4th, 2019, I got the two little lines making my birthday wish come true. All I wanted for my 36th birthday was to be pregnant and I got my wish.
I didn’t do anything special with telling Ben, He asked “did you take the test” I said yes with a smile and he goes “It’s positive? We are pregnant? I did it!” and did a little dancing celebration. He has wanted to have kids since we got married a year earlier but I wanted to wait. Finding out for me, on the other hand, was a little more shocking. I have always known I wanted kids but when it’s staring you right in the face can be a daunting feeling. Thoughts like “Am I really going to be a parent” filled my mind and the actual thought of giving birth now seemed like an impossible task.
Luckily my husband is really good and calming me down. A simple, “We will figure it out on the way,” usually helps.
Morning Sickness
This stuff is real y’all… I felt a little nauseous the first month or so, then the excitement and making our way to SLC seemed to be distracting enough. Everyone was super excited to be welcoming the 5th grandchild to the family!
We have decided to have the baby in SLC so I wanted to find a Dr. and set up a plan as we will still be on the road until the last trimester. Week 9 comes around and BOOM, I an NAUSEOUS! In my nieve ways of thinking thought I wouldn’t get morning sickness. My mother had 5 kids and said she never really dealt with morning sickness so I just assumed I wouldn’t either. Wrong! It’s the worst.
We left SLC when I was just about 11 weeks and made our way to Idaho. I think this is when I had it the worst. We would go on walks and I couldn’t believe how tired I would get afterward. I didn’t feel like doing anything but sleeping. Eating got harder and harder as nothing tasted or felt satisfying. I never threw up, but my gag reflexes were really bad.
We did the Yellowstone trip with my mom and stepdad Bill which was nice as it was 90% driving and only 10% hiking. We separated the days out so I could have a recovery day as well. It was fun and we all had a great time!
After making it to the Oregon coast I was heading into my second trimester and thought “This is the light at the end of the tunnel! No more sickness!” But… I am still feeling it. Not as bad, but it’s still there.
Fingers crossed that the first trimester is the hardest! Please, someone, tell me that…
We are heading to the Redwoods next week and looking forward to doing some hiking there. Hopefully (fingers crossed) I will have some more energy then!