About 14 years ago I served a mission for The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints and was able to visit one of my areas called Buena Vista. This little Norman Rockwell Town is nestled in a valley in the Shannondoah mountains. We stayed at a place called
This is a previous southern Sim school, It’s a beautiful building. This isn’t actually an LDS school, it just has LDS standards. The school is doing really well and just hit over 1000 students per semester!

We came into town and I remembered the train that ran right through town that I would listen to at night. I wanted to walk around on campus to see how it had changed. It seemed smaller than I remember. We parked on the hill and I wanted to take this picture next to the knight. I believe I have a similar one from 14 years ago I need to scrounge up. We walked into the old ballroom with the chimney and huge mirrors. I remember feeling like this school was like Harry Potter with the large staircases. Now it seemed more like a school. Maybe I had missionary goggles on.

We walked to the second floor and guess who we ran into! Someone we used to know from the ward! We chatted for a bit and learned she is working as an activities coordinator for the school and helping students mix and mingle. That little town is really growing!
We drove on the Blue Ridge Parkway and past where I use to live. Then went over to a members house for dinner.

It was so sweet to be in their home and meet their kids after all this time. They didn’t look like they aged a day!

I love this family with all my heart and so grateful for the time I was able to spend with them. That short night, as well as 14 years ago. Till we meet again my eternal friends. <3
We left the next day and the weather dropped into the 30s. This is the first time we experienced it and things got really cold in this tin can! We actually hand to bundle up and wear blankets as we drove. Yes, that’s a mermaid blanket.

Happy to read this entry. We were entertained at Buena Vista by good friends we met in China you know. Such a quaint, unique little town and campus. Yes, sooooo Norman Rockwell.