Making our way south and crossed the California border. Not sure if we expected things to be different but it still very similar to the Oregon coast but the trees have definitely increased in size! Which is exactly what we came for.

Our RV park is right next to the river and pretty bare bones. The internet hasn’t been great which is a bummer and this is really the second place after a year that we couldn’t get great internet. Oh well. Luckily, they have an office within walking distance that is nice which we can work at. Something good that came from this lack of internet is the connection you make. They have a community fire every night at 7 pm which Ben and I have ventured to a few nights and met a fun older couple from San Diego that gave us some great suggestions of what to do in the Redwoods. Also, you should ask us more about John and Gale. They were a pretty interesting old couple.
Klamath Ocean Overlook

One night, we went on a Klamath ocean overlook drive that had some fun historical points along the way. It’s been nice having the coast so close and seeing the ocean. We saw the dark sand beaches and the waves crash against the huge rocks scattered in the water.
Ladybird Johnson Hike

We also took a half-day and the Redwood forest with the Ladybird Johnson hike. We were originally trying to hit the tall trees hike but when we got there, we realized that a permit was needed. It was a blessing in disguise though, we found out later that it was a pretty strenuous hike.

They had a self-guided map with history and information about the Redwoods. These trees are massive and will outlast most things in the world. Some of them are over 1500 years old! They stand fire, termites, floods, and pretty much anything else mother nature can throw at them. It’s more likely a Redwood tree will die from the human intervention than on their own.

Fern Valley

This place was probably the most unique little coastal hike I have ever been on. It wasn’t super easy to get to but it was super worth it! It’s a canyon you can walk through with ferns lining the high walls, and a crystal clear stream going through the center. It felt like a fairy tale. We took our time and absorbed the greenery. There were these little wooden bridges that allowed us to cross the streams. We could have hung out there all day.
Drive-Thru Tree
We also drove through a tree! It only 5 minutes from where we are staying so we ventured there one night. Nothing too spectacular but still fun to say we did it!

Paul Bunion?

This statue is huge and what is going on with his chest hair? We checked out the store but didn’t do the gondola ride. Funny story, we bought a selfie stick so we could take a photo with Paul and his blue bull but the first one we got broke right as it came out of the package. We walked back inside and switched it for another one. The second one, the button didn’t work so we just returned it.
One More Hike

The day before we left, we went and hiked Big Tree Wayside which was just a mix of short hikes around a huge tree. It was exactly what we needed. Just being out in nature and so close to everything was fun.

It was fun to be in such spectacular nature and these trees almost didn’t seem real!
Moving Down The Coast
Currently, we are staying in a place called Cloverdale CA which is about an hour north of San Fransisco. The temperature is in the 90s and we are HOT! It’s just been a 4-day stay-over and we are anxious to get to a bigger town as well as the cooler weather, and the beach.
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