Going back, like WAY back, I was born in Salt Lake City Utah and moved to Austin Texas when I was 28 years old. I wanted to explore the music scene and for some reason really felt good about Austin Texas.
Ben was born in Arizona and was actually living in Pleasant Groove when he got a job offer in Austin. I bet you can guess what happened.
We met at a Latter-day Saint singles ward activity. There was nothing super glamour but we hit it off and hung out the next day.
This picture is from one of our first dates on a moonlight serenade. This is where a raft with a band plays till dark and we as kayakers paddle around enjoying the music.

Not a great picture but it’s the first of many.

Ok, yes and no. I knew he was going to propose so that wasn’t a surprise but how Ben went about it was amazing (swoon). Better than write it all out, we will just tell you how it happened.
Youtube video of proposal
So here we are! The BECKS! Thanks for joining us on this new adventure.