August 10th, 2018
There is no better way to learn than to just jump in right? That is what we did with this RV. We returned from our 6-week backpacking trip to Europe and were doing some last minute touches on the RV before our official launch date of August 10th. We wanted to get up north (and out of the heat) as quick as we could. We “thought” we could just drive for 3 days straight and find our way up to Acadia Maine but driving an RV is A LOT different than driving a car.

We headed and drive for 3 days straight and found ourselves in Illinois. We were super exhausted from the trip and decided to stay a week to recover and get some work done.
Funny story- We were somewhere in the mid west and trying to find a camping world to pick up supplies. Well the GPS told us to go down this residential street which was a TERRIBLE idea. We were driving down this small residential road with cars on both sides, and trees handing over and scratching our RV. We were inches away from scraping someones mirror. When we got to the camping world, it was seriously like a 711.. Super small and worthless! Just kidding, we unhooked down the ways next to a
Illinois had its own type of beauty. Super flat landscape and miles of corn fields. It was nice to get some cooler weather. We decided to revise our goals. Maine was really ambitious. We couldn’t keep going at that pace and by the time we got there, the season would be winding down, and we would be chancing the weather south. SO! We headed to Michigan!
The RV doesn’t have great air conditioning and things get HOT! Otter pops for the win!
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