Life is still magical.
Bronsons is doing great and Blakely is as bright as ever.

Dad is taking the lead on Blakely activities like swimming and gymnastics which is a nice break in the day for mom. We got some meals in Feb from the ward members but I am feeling well enough to start cooking again and start picking up the house. It’s nice things are becoming more normal and my body is feeling better.
Working part time for dad is a double edge sword. It’s great for our family because he is around to help more, but he does get stressed out with not being able to get all the work he wants to get done in a day. We talked about him going full time for a few days a week but when he approached his boss about it, Fred said, you should spend this time with your family. He works for a pretty dope company.
Life is at a beautiful pace. On St Patricks Day, we went and got a free mint shake at Jack In The Box and ate it at a playground. We usually don’t get ice cream so Blakely was in HEAVEN!

I am currently serving in the Young Women and they had a silent auction to raise some money. We bought a cool painting that Christian Jacobsen did, as well as a volleyball lesson from a YW. As we were cleaning up, Blakely was playing with some balloons and wanted to bring them home. We said they were not ours and Jeremy Morgan from the ward really didn’t want to bring them home to his boys so he said she could keep them.
She woke up that morning and brought them into bed with us, it was pretty cute.

Look who came to visit!

Oh man… Blakely sure loved hanging out with Uncle Jason. Jenni was asked to go to a “show” to buy merchandise in Dallas and Jason was invited to come along on their private jet. He drove down from Dallas on Tuesday and we spent the day together. He read to her on the couch for over an hour, then we went to the Mayborn museam, then finished the day at Cajan Craft. He got a Po-boy and we were a little jealous. We need to try that next time.
We weren’t sure if Jenni would be able to make it down but it turned out that they had time on Friday to come down and spend the day with us. We went to a BBQ place we like, then headed to Magnolia. Jenni wasn’t into it as much as I thought she would be but we still had fun.

A fun memory – as Jason and Jenni were walking with Blakeyly in between them, she would say 1-2-3 and want them to swing her up. They wanted her to count higher but she didn’t get the concept and would say 1-2-3-7!
Preparing for Easter!
We got a special easter box from a special someone who will remain annonomous. Thank you! Blakely loved it and so did we.

Last memory for the month, we are good friends with the Kennedys and they asked us to come watch the kids for a bit and we always spending time with them.

Next month is General Conference, Easter, and Grandma Jeanne and Aunt Amber coming to visit!
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