San Diego and Peoria
This month (and a bit of April) we spent some time in San Diego with David, Cristyann and their kids. It was a really nice trip.
Traveling with kids is much different than our single/newly wed years. Kids need constancy and not to be over stimulated. David got a 6 month contract in San Diego (they usually live in Seattle) and her sisters family, the Brants, also go the same contract. They found a duplex right on Mission beach in between the beach and the Bay. It was within walking distance of both. It was really nice to do so much outdoors.

The flight over wasn’t’ too bad. Bronson did have a good nap on the plane. We parked in Dallas, and as we were waiting for the bus, there was a man who had a flight within an hour and needed to park somewhere. The bus driver told him he could park and then pay when he left and that if he hurried he would wait for him. There was a couple on the bus that started to complain they were going to be late for their flight and even started swearing at him. The driver said they could get off and take an uber and that he could kick them off if they swore at him. The woman threatened to write him a bad review. The driver was just trying to help!
We got off the bus and the complaining couple got in the TSA line (that basically fast track for the airplane) THEN we saw them get in line for Panda Express. I guess they were not that worried about missing their flight. Anyway!
Bronson liked walking around at the airport, and we were trying to wear him out. He was admit about holding the water cup with a straw. We were both trying to walk on both sides of him incase he dropped it. I jokingly said “he is going to trip and squish the water cup underneath him then just lay there. And… that is exactly what happened. It was funny, and… we made a mess at the airport at the same time.

San Diego has amazing weather! It’s sunny, but still cool and breezy. The is how most of our days went. Our family woke up around 6am (because we are on Texas time) and went to the beach. Bronson loved the airplanes flying overhead, the dogs, and the birds over the water. We came back to the house and ate breakfast with everyone than Ben got to work looking for a job. Cristyann would take her kids to the gym, than come home and do homeschool than lunch. While she was at the gym, I took Bronson on a bike ride. They had a bike with a bucket seat up front. He loved it! He would wave to people and point at the dogs.

There were plenty of playgrounds around so we would hit one of those up before heading back home for a quick snack. Then we would take a luxury nap for about 2 hours. When Bronson naps at home, I get stuff done! But I didn’t even bring my computer to SD so… I just slept beside him in the bed. He is a good snuggle buddy. Oh, we love him so much.
After the nap we would eat lunch and then head to the beach! It was usually sunny by the afternoons and we would walk to the bay to play. Bronson didn’t mind getting in the cold water and his cousins made sand castle marble runs.

After the beach the husbands would be done with work and we would get dinner ready, then kids were off to bed. After all of them were down we would play games and chat. It’s just this season of life and I dig it.

We did do a few things besides the beach, for example we went on a hike to this narrow slot canyon. I could feel Blakely running along side us and even holding my hand. It was difficult in a way because, I know she would have loved the beach and hanging out with her cousins. We also went to Balboa park, and Belmont park. All in all, it was a great time. There family has very similar rules as ours so it works out.

The ride home was a little more difficult. Bronson didn’t really want to sleep and cried a few times. Coming home was probably the hardest part. Being reminded of Blakely and how we lost her. I had a rough grief wave the next day and called my dad. He is always really good and helping back on my rock.
We miss you Blakely Rose. I am sure you are doing really important things right now. But mommies heart hurts for you. Love you forever.
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