Since I’ve never lived on the East Coast I attend to take full advantage of seeing everything it has to offer.
This is the beginning of a growing list of things for me To Do, Taste, and Experience here. If you have suggestions for something I got to try, let me know!
To Do’s
- Run the Rocky steps
- Visit the Liberty Bell
- Tourist photo in front of LOVE statue
- Go to the Philly Zoo
- Visit Independence Hall
- Stroll down Elfreths Alley
To Eat
- Grab a canoli from Isgros
Triple by pass ( 3 Philly cheese steaks in a day)- Philly Taco ( a Steaks on South Philly cheese steak inside a slice of Lorenzo’s pizza)
- Have A Schmitter At McNally’s Tavern
To Experience
- Getting a parking ticket
- A Phillys game
- A 76’s game
- An Eagles game
Riding a bike to work- Accidentally take the Benjamin Franklin Bridge to New Jersey
- 4th of July Fireworks at the water front
- Philly Film Festival
Other East Coast Hot Spots
- Red Sox game at Fenway Park
- Mix with the commoners at Boston Commons
- Check out Harvard University
- Visit Times Square
- Visit Central Park
- Say Hi to Lady Liberty
- Birds eye view of NYC (Empire State Building)
- Ice Skate at Rockefeller Center
- See the Rockefeller Christmas Tree
- Go to a Broadway Show
- Check out MOMA
- The National Mall
- Tour Obama’s House
- Check out the international spy musuem
- Six Flags NJ
- Niagra Falls
- Surf on the East Coast… attempt to surf