Right by the ocean? Can’t complain about that!

We decided to splurge a bit on this location and stay right on the coast just south of San Francisco called Pacifica. This specific location with our Thousand Trails membership does have a daily cost of $20, however, the prices here for everything else are crazy. It was foggy half the time but we didn’t care. It was SO NICE!
I love opening up the windows in the morning and hearing the constant sound of the waves crashing on the beach. We are able to walk down to the beach, but currently, it’s on a cement pad at the top of a cliff. Great location for whale and dolphin watching!

The weather was really welcomed. We stayed 4 days in Cloverdale Ca which is also known as wine country next to the Russian River. It was ridiculously hot… We thought the river would be easy to access but it really wasn’t. We do have AC, but this old Bay can only do so much when it’s hot outside. Now we just leave the windows open most of the time.
Let’s Get Together!
We met up with some networking people that Ben knows and had a great time. People are very friendly and love their city! It is busy here! It’s almost like Ben and I forgot what a big city felt like. We met at a local brewery and met a bunch of people from the area. I really like how Ben isn’t afraid to connect with other marketers. They are so friendly and do think alike. I talk about my Mermaid Blog and they get all excited. I am not as embarrassed as I usually am to tell them about my niche site. They seem to get it!
A woman named Michelle was a contact of Bens that came over after work and we had a really good conversation. She even invited us over for dinner that Sunday night! We met her two cute kids and husband Arney. What an amazing couple. Thanks so much for having us over!
Oakland Trip
Ben had a work meeting over in Oakland so I came along and went to the Oakland Temple. It was fun to talk with the Sisters and even got some suggestions on where to eat! They recommended Fentons for icecream. I guess it’s a pretty famous place!
Just north of the bridge, we had the chance to spend an afternoon in Sausalito. It’s advertised as a Mediterranean town next to the water. I wouldn’t go that far, but it was a busy place with lots of visitors, shops, and icecream! We walked along and saw some fun stuff but was fine leaving an hour later. There were SO many tourists there.
Hop-On Hop-Off Bus

For our play day, we asked a few locals what to do and they recommended a Big Bus tour that would take you around the city. We actually love these and haven’t done one since Boston MA! We spent all day seeing the sights, going to Pier 39, and crossing the Golden Gate bridge. It’s such a great way to see the city and everything it has to offer.
We ate at a super fancy seafood place in Pier 39. The Clam chowder was super good, and the fish was excellent. We definitely spent the most money on food while we were there. It’s not every day that you get this great of food while on the road! We made our way over to the Fishermans Warf and found ourselves in this odd coin-operated museum. Don’t get me wrong, it was ridiculously fun, but strang at the same time!
I don’t think 2 weeks will really give SF enough time to let its true light shine.
More Food! Sushi and Filipino

Sushi was a MUST for me while in SF. I have been craving it like crazy! A place called Amami Sushi Bistro was recommended to us and wasn’t disappointing. My brother Jason gave me a gift card for my birthday back in June so we used that up. Thanks for the great B-day gift, Jason!
Ben served his mission in the Philippines and was itching to get some authentic Filipino food while in SF. As for me, I wasn’t quite sure what I was in for. He ordered and my dish wasn’t too bad but was extremely filling. It was a noodle-based dish with chicken, sausage, and veg mixed in. Ben said it was what people got for their birthdays because it could feed a lot of people. We splurged and got the Halo-Halo dessert which means “everything mixed up.” Um… I really couldn’t eat it… It had ice cream, black beans, jello something, and even like a potato root mixture… It was expensive so I felt bad but we both agreed it wasn’t very good.
Mermaid Meet Up

During our stay, I contacted the Norcal mermaid group on FB and found that they were doing a meetup and photoshoot at a beach less than 15 minutes from where we were staying! I am never sure what to expect when it comes to these meetups but I am always happy I went. I even met someone who reads my blog! How about that! I’ll post more pictures when I get them.
Moving On
We really enjoyed staying in SF. What a treat to be right next to the beach and enjoy such great food! We are heading toward Stockton CA for a week, then we will be in Yosemite for two whole weeks! Neither Ben nor I have been there so it will be fun to explore.
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