This park is huge! Man, it’s been nice to stay in one place for a while. We are tucked away in an RV park just a few miles out of the small town of Cottonwood AZ. We are less than 30 minutes away from Sedona.
Devils Bridge
Ben visited this place before, but it’s my first time. We caught up on work for the first week, and decided to hike Devils bridge on Friday.

Not sure if it was the elevation, heat, or the fact that we are NOT super in shape but we were exhausted afterward!

It was a beautiful day. The sun was out but it wasn’t too hot. All the other hikers were really nice and everyone was volunteering to take pictures.
Family Time!

Bens brothers wife’s brother, or our sister in laws brother is getting married this weekend and they are doing a family vacation in Sedona! The beauty of an RV is you can meet people in cool places to hang out.
They stopped by the RV on Saturday which we always appreciate. We are proud of our little home and love when people stop by.
We made plans for Monday to hang out again and before we went to their hotel, we stopped by Slide Rock.
Slide Rock

This place was MAGICAL! Yes, it was crazy cold but totally worth it. This little state park is north of the main town, and cost a lot to get in but we hiked up the river and went swimming for a bit. It was painful to get in! 43 degrees I think.

We mainly just hung out, listened to our book and got some sun. It was beautiful.

After slide rock, we went over and hung out with our sister in laws family. They are a great family who are very warm and welcoming. See you guys at Christmas!
I love slide rock. Happy Memories. Ben I love your handstands. This one in Sedona is fantastic.