Ben and I got married in May of 2018. We are both in our 30s and work remote jobs. I am a blogger, and he does SEO for a living. We don’t have any kids or pets (yet), so we decided it would be a good time in life to try out the full time RV scene.
Ben worked for an RV pass company doing SEO but that is about the only experience we had in the RV lifestyle so everything was completely new, and a huge learning curve. We did our research and stumbled upon a 1999 Allegro Bay diesel engine pusher. We liked the layout but it was 37 feet long! That seemed a little big for just the two of us but we got a good deal and it was within our budget.
Right when Ben walked inside he said “Babe! I have a good feeling about this one!” But it was honestly one of the ugliest RVs I have ever seen. The carpet was super nasty and everything in it felt old. I said, “I am ok with this, but we have to take out the carpet, and paint the walls white.” So we bought it.
Remodeling Is A BEAST!
Being the ambitious (and slightly crazy) couple we are, we decided to take a full week to remodel our RV right before our 6 week backpacking honeymoon in Europe. We flew Bens brother in law out (bless his heart) to help us with the flooring. These were 12-14 hour days in the middle of summer in Texas. It was super hot and exhausting. I remember falling to sleep at night and waking up to numb hands because we were all working so hard. Luckily we pulled it off and were really happy with the results!

Do you see what I was talking about? Super ugly right? We took out all the carpet and fake tile, threw away the couch, lounge chair, and even the kitchen chairs. The couch actually had to be broken apart to remove. We were in the RV with sludge hammers breaking it apart. It was SO HEAVY!
We also removed the inside window frames so the space felt more open

It was a super construction zone but we are really happy how the floors turned out!

The white really opens things up! If you look at the bottom left of this picture you will see the desk we built inside for Bens desk.
Let’s move onto the bathroom shall we?

The tile went all the way back to the bathroom which was nice, but it wasn’t great quality and easy to pull up. So we removed all of that and painted all the cabinets white.

Taping everything off what the hardest part.

What do you think? We added some decorations so it doesn’t look so bland. Just to the right of this picture is our closet area. It is really spacious and both Ben and I are able to fit all we need there. Surprising how little you need when you actually think about it.
Now to the Bedroom.

This was the grossest part for me… the bedspread and head board were the first things to go! We really just painted everything white and took out the pictures on the walls.

We also put in our own mattress even though this one wasn’t bad at all!
Watch our full tour and let us know what you think!
So there you have it! Our first home together! Stay tuned for our adventures!