Ben had been to Toronto before but I had never been so we decided to make it our northern location. He had some work-friends he wanted to meet and did some fun things while we were in town. Crossing the border wasn’t bad, it was coming back in that was a headache (which will expound in the next post).
One thing that really stood out to us was how crazy the drivers were! There was a bunch going on that week like an airshow, Comicon, and a sports game so possibly lots of people in town but wow… it was stressful driving around.
Really close to our RV park was an Islamic temple which we were able to tour inside. So intricate and detailed. Amazing art people can do.

Play Day!
There was a world famous airshow happening downtown Toronto so we found a good spot to watch the planes do their tricks. They did shapes with clouds and different figures right over our heads! There were even older planes that would dive bomb from super high up and pull out just above the water. Man, these guys are talented.
After the show, I was able to meet up with some mermaid friends and take a Aquamermaid class. It wasn’t great but was fun to get in the water and swim.

That night we went and had dinner with some work friends of Bens. One worked at Inkbox just next door so after we ate, we toured his place which was amazing! If you haven’t heard of

Last Weekend in Toronto
We had one more weekend to do something fun so we checked out the local calendar and read that a Buskerfest was happening!

- a person who performs music or other entertainment in the street or another public place for monetary donations.

It’s a festival with tons of street performers doing tricks everywhere all afternoon. It was worth it and I would go again. The only thing that bugged us was HOW LONG the performers took to do anything. Like, they filled 90% of their act with dumb jokes and their final trick lasted about 5 seconds. Maybe I am just impatient. The picture above was my favorite act. The Busker even had a good message at the end rather than ” I do this for money so please donate.”
There were others that were really funny and you could tell they were professionals. Not just amateurs.

We also had time to stop by some local graffiti walls. We LOVE graffiti art and appreciate it when a city allows local artists to beautify some brick walls.
Thanks Toronto! You guys are as nice as they say. Back to the USA!
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