It’s getting cold!
After Niagara Falls, we settled in a fun campground called Ta-Ga-Soke which is just east of the Oneida
We moved in Monday and noticed there were a bunch of RVs and trailers but… we never saw anyone walking around! Turns out, it’s more of a weekend getaway and on Friday a flood of people came in.
That Friday night we wanted to get some food in the closest town and as we drove out of the park, our transmission started acting up. It wasn’t connecting or going into gear. We were able to get it back to the RV park fine but ended up calling a tow truck to haul to the nearest Hyundai Dealer. It wasn’t hard for them to figure out we needed a totally new transmission. YIKES! That is an expensive mistake! Turns out the way we were towing it across the country is awful for the transmission and this 2015 Hyundai needed a totally new one. We prayed really hard that the warranty would cover it and guess what? It did

Because our car was out of order, we decided to walk 3 miles to the beach. The weather was super nice, and we ate at a local restaurant and I had the best-shredded pork sandwich of my life!
Because we needed stay an extra 2 weeks, that gave us plenty of time to check out upstate NY!
First off, we stayed in a fishing town and every day, people would be fishing for these huge salmon fish and they looked about 2 feet long! There seemed to a “fisherman etiquette” that everyone would follow because fish lines were being crossed all the time.
We went to a restaurant, close to where this picture was taken and wanted to get some fresh salmon but guess what? They didn’t serve salmon! They said that most people in the town were sick of it, and the restaurant would have to buy FDA approved fish which wouldn’t be from the river. Kinda funny, a salmon fishing town that doesn’t serve salmon.

Local Hiking
We decided to ask a few locals what was a good hike to go on and they recommended one a few miles from town. It was a gorgeous night and couldn’t have picked a better view.

We even went to a harvest Festival in a near by town! It was small but still a fun little local giveaway.

One huge benefit of us staying another few weeks is we get to see some church sites! Stay tuned!
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