During college, I did a triathlon at Sand Hollow reservoir in Hurricane Ut. I would have never guessed, years later I would be camping right next to it in my RV with my husband.

We were parked at the edge of the camp ground so it felt like we didn’t have any neighbors. The sunsets were amazing almost everyday. The weather was both cold and hot. We got there right as it started to get hot. We even saw snow melt off the tops of the mountains on the horizon.

We were so close to the reservoir that we would often go walking up there at night, or during the day to cool off.

Zions is always a fun getaway. This park is unique because you enter the park from the bottom and hike around rather than seeing the park from the top and hiking down into it.
Ben really wanted to do Angels Landing and we planned to go twice but it didn’t happen. We will be back! However, we did do the river walk trail, weeping rock, and emerald pool. We could only see the lower emerald pool because the middle and upper are closed due to a land slide. I loved the dark red and orange colors from the rocks.
Friends In Town!

Ben has some friends that live close by from High School that he hadn’t seen since he graduated. We have been communicating over FB and they said, “if you ever come to Zions let us know! It’s practically in our backyard!” They were right! We went and had dinner with them and even went to their ward the next day.
It really made me think that I want to be that type of family that can invite people over we haven’t seen in 10+ years and make them feel right at home. Thanks, guys 😀 Ben and I love spending time together but it’s also really nice to be invited into someones home and spend time with their family.
Happy Birthday To Me!
June 8th is my birthday and don’t even ask me how old I am! Ben was very sweet to me and started off the day with some lovely presents then we spent the rest of the day at the lake with our friends in town. We did paddle boarding, rafting, swimming, eating pizza, and just chilling by the water. It was heaven. This picture makes it look like we are sitting in the water but we are actually on a sand riff cooling off.

WHAT? We Have Family In Town?!?!?!?
So we were at church the second Sunday and randomly Ben looks at his FB and sees his aunt and uncle are having a family reunion in St. George which is like 15 minutes away from where we are staying. I LOVE this family… They came to our wedding and ripped up the dance floor. They are some of the most welcoming, kind hearted people I have ever met.
Being on the road we always love seeing family so we asked if we could come by. We didn’t want to rein in on their reunion but they told us to come by for dinner. They were SO nice to let us come by. We ate, swam, played games, and they even invited us to sleep over as they had an extra room and we could do laundry. Thank you so much. We love you!

We met a family in Texas that use to live in southern Utah and gave us a few tips on what to do. One thing they strongly advised was to do the Kanarraville falls. They said it was a close and fairly easy slot canyon that has recently gotten popular.
You have to buy a permit online and they often sell out so don’t wait until the day of. This year, southern Utah has gotten a bunch of rain so everything was green and the water levels were really high. On another note, the water was EXTREMELY cold. Like just, oh that’s cold, but THIS IS FREEZING AND MY FEET HURT kind of cold. We saw some little kids doing the hike so we couldn’t really complain but seriously… it was cold.

You hike back and forth across the water, and eventually come to some falls with a metal ladder going up it.

After that level you can climb another waterfall with tree branches. After that, we were ready to turn around.

It was a fun hike and I am glad we did it but I am not sure I will do it again.
A Trip To Instacare
After the hike, both Ben and I were really hungry and went to a local BBQ join (which was super disappointing) He was so hungry but once he started to eat, Ben got really nauseous and just wanted to lay down. We went back to the RV, and I went to get the credit card that we left at the repair shop. When I got back, he said he threw up a few times, still had a headache, and was feeling short of breath.
After researching on Webmd (which isn’t always the best idea) we decided to go to instacare and see what’s going on. He couldn’t really hold much water down so we thought he might need an IV from heat exhaustion or possibly heat stroke.
After talking to the Dr, we find out that Ben got sun poisoning… What’s that you ask? Well, Ben has had really strong prescription glasses all of his life and they act like magnifying glasses for his eyes. With strong light from the sun, he gets it if he is outside too much. Since we have been together, he has had a few episodes but we never knew what it was. We thought he just got dehydrated easy but after trying a few things, he still got headaches and was out for the rest of the day.
In the end, we just bought some old man glasses that you can put over your prescription glasses to shield your eyes from the sun.
Next stop is Bryce Canyon!
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