On June 9th Benjamin Blessed our little Bronson.

Dear Heavenly Father we come before thee by the power of the holy Melchizedek priesthood and give this child a name and a blessing. The name that he shall be known by is Bronson Scott Beck. At this time Bronson we want to express how much love that you have from you family, grandparents, cousins and most of all Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. For this time that you have to learn and grow in this body you will make healthy decisions, that you may be blessed with good health. And at this time that you will grow and learn spiritually as well and as your testimony grows you will be an example to those around you and be source of light in the world. We also bless you in times of trial or doubt that you will be able to lean on that testimony for answers and understanding and comfort and that you can be an example for others and support for others in times of need. We love you Bronson, and say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
That particular Sunday was a little crazy.
We gave someone a ride to church and had Benjamin in the back between two car seats. We had Jen and Tony coming up for the blessing, and I was teaching YW right after. So sad to say… We didn’t get a lot of pictures together. I am hoping to get some in his blessing outfit later on and upload them.
Jessica DeWitt, our good friend who actually took Blakely while Bronson was born, took Bronson to another room and snapped some shots so this was on the actual blessing day.

What a handsome little dude. We are so lucky to have you in our Family Bronson! We can’t wait to get to know you even more.
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