Hello and happy holidays! Here is the Beck update for the year 2022!
It’s almost been 2 whole years that we have lived in Waco Texas. This little town has grown on us. People are super friendly, lots of local events, and we are centrally located between Austin and Dallas. Stop by and visit if you are heading this way!
Card Table of Contents
Blakely Updates

This little girl is rocking it. She is a happy, smart, brave, and helpful little girl. Blakely loves reading, playing with friends, going to nursery, and doing anything outside. This year we did swim lessons and spent a ton of time at the pool. She also just started attending ballerina and gymnastics classes as a reward for potty training. She is looking forward to a baby brother and is excited to hold him.
Blakely Highlights
- Going to swimming lessons, and the Twin River pool (she loves the water).
- Playing hide and go seek with Daddy after work (and hide the light game).
- Going to the gymnastics(aka the jumping place) for open toddler time.
Blakely Low Light
- Blakely decided she wanted to try and climb through the hole in the back of the small primary chair and got stuck. She was ok, just a little scared.

Molly Updates

Molly loves being a mom. Even though some days can be long, there isn’t anything else she would rather be doing. She is now in the young women’s at church and enjoys serving the youth.
Molly Highlights
- Getting sealed as a family in the temple.
- Expecting a boy in February of 2023.
- Going to Mardi Gras with family.
Molly Lowlights
- We had a harder time getting pregnant this time around and had a few miscarriages, which was a bummer. These things happen but it is rough when you start making plans, then need to start over.
Ben Updates
Ben Highlights
- Getting sealed as a family in the Logan temple.
- Little man coming in February of 2023.
- New job as director of marketing at a grat company (Tortuga Backpacks check them out)
- Time in Utah with both sides of the family
Ben Lowlights
- Got hit by a car while doing a morning bike ride (I was fine)
- Learning he needs to really up his handy man game as a home owner
- Blockfi going bankrupt with what little crypto I had
Here are some fun things we did this year as a family.
February 2022 Mardi Gras
One of our favorite things to do is visit New Orleans Mardi Gras. This year we had a special treat with Kevin, Melora, and Haven joining us! We ended up camping which really wasn’t too bad! Something new we tried (suggestion of Kevin and Melora) was something called JAMNOLA. Interactive art which was super fun!
May and July Visits With Nana J!
We love grandparents! We flew to AZ in May while Ben was at a work conference, and Nana J came to visit us here in July.
AZ in May Highlights

Texas in July Highlights

Family Reunion In August
Every 2 years we do a family reunion on the Beck side. This year we rented an Airbnb at Bear lake and had everyone there! We spent a day at the lake with jet skis and plenty of time at the community pool.
A super special event happened where we were sealed as a family in the Logan Temple! Thank you to every who joined us and a big thank you to Cristyann Beck who did an amazing job with the photography.
Not sure if you can tell with some of the photos but we announced our 2nd baby (a boy) coming this February.

After the week at the lake, we stayed in Utah to visit with my family and had a great time with the Nye side.

Fall Activities
We love the Fall (especially after a hot Texas summer). Every year we like to throw a Halloween party for the kids. This year was a huge success with our friends here in Waco! We went to a few fairs where Blakely could get up close and personal with some animals, and had some family come out with Kevin, Melora and Haven for Halloween! So much fun!

Life will probably be a little slow for the first of the year with a new baby but we hope to travel internationally the end of summer. Fingers crossed we can!
Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Please leave us a comment on what’s new with you!
Your temple pictures were beautiful! Loved your colors. So fun to get caught up on your life!
Molly, Ben and Blakely,
What a wonderful year! Ups and downs aside, it was pretty spectacular. What a sweet little family you have and adding one more is going to be such a joy! We’re very happy for y’all!
May 2023 be a very special year for you all!