Wow! It’s already been 3 months since Christmas? Yikes! Time really does fly with kids.
Well, Christmas is definitely worth talking about. Our December was a blur. Ben’s company flies their families out to Cali for the Christmas party so we were debating on what to do this year. It would be fun to go, but, being stuck in a hotel room with a toddler all day didn’t sound like the best idea. Also, the timing was weird because the party was on December 11th, and we were planning on going back to SLC for Christmas. We asked if they could fly us to Cali, then to SLC rather than TX and they agreed which saved us some money on flights. Win! I also got excited thinking about going to Disneyland with Blakely and decided we should go for it. The hotel should have a pool too right?
Well the weekend before we left, Blakely got an ear infection. The poor thing was struggling all weekend and we finally saw the DR on Monday morning. Luckily, we got her on antibiotics soon enough that she didn’t have any problems on the plane. However, both Ben and I had enough sleep deprivation to get sick ourselves. SO! We head to Cali not feeling the best but looking forward to the adventure. The flight went well and everything was looking up… Except for the weather. It was raining. We never ended up going to Disneyland. We spent a lot of time inside going up and down the escalators, eating at the hotel restaurant which was crazy expensive, and watching shows inside. I was excited about the pool except that was outside too! We did make it to the beach all bundled up. Blakely didn’t mind and she actually liked running on the beach.
It was cold Bs Favorite way to ride
The night of the party went well. We found a babysitter online which was a weird feeling leaving my child with someone I didn’t know but she worked out great! It was a casino royal-themed so everyone was dressed up in red carpet style. There was “pretend” gambling which we ended up winning a trip to Malibu California in a 5th wheel on the beach. We will see if we ever use it.
After the party, Ben stayed an extra day to connect with his team, and Blakely and I went to the mall which was within walking distance. It had a reindeer merry go round which was magical for her. I think she had a good time besides being on antibiotics the whole time.
Flying into SLC was also a good trip. Blakely always does so well on the planes. You can tell she is developing as more things are curious and she has a harder time sitting still. Ben and I still weren’t feeling great and because of the cold weather in Cali, and a late-night company party, we were feeling a little exhausted.
Family is the best!
It was seriously so rewarding seeing Blakely interact with cousins. Little Lock was the best! He kept saying “Blakely is the cutest!” Piper and Briar were super great with her and Blakely didn’t skip a beat when going over. She was like “See ya mom!” and played until I forced her back into the car seat.
Dad’s house doesn’t have many toys for B so we went to Walmart and bought a slide and trampoline. She LOVED it and is very coordinated with jumping with no hands!
We went down to Thanksgiving pointe with the Beck side of the family. My dad was invited and drove a scooter thing which was funny but also necessary. We had a wonderful Christmas day over at the Carlstons and made chocolates with Joanna and Hi-D the day before we left.
We got so many presents from the family that we had to take on of dad’s duffel bags home with us. It was a good thing he had one. I didn’t know how we were going to get everything home!
Back to Texas
It was nice to get back home. We were almost gone a whole month! I was tired of the cold weather AND it seemed like we were always sick. That Sunday we got home, I didn’t let Blakely go to nursery because I just wanted everyone to have a chance to get better. It didn’t work… Everyone still got sick.
Watching Frozen and eating blueberries Stickers are the best at church I wore this dress when I was her age…
So by the time February comes around, we are ready to party! Birthday party style 😀
February is Birthday Month
Both Ben and Blakely’s birthdays are in February. On her actual Birthday day, we went on a hike in the morning, and then to a place called Urban Air for the afternoon. Blakely has always been a talented jumper. Starting with her Johnny jump up as an infant, then moving on to a toddler trampoline which we have in our front room. She kind of lost her mind with all the trampolies and stuff to do there. It was pretty magical. That weekend, I wanted to do something fun for Blakely so we hosted a Dr. Suess party at our place and she had a great time. She is so social and loved having everyone over.
Jason and Jenni got her a “2 Legit” shirt. We love them.
For Ben’s birthday we went to Magnolia Table, then an escape room at night and dinner.
Mardi Gras 2022

Earlier this year, Ben and I decided we wanted to do Mardi Gras in New Orleans. We invited Kevin, Melora, and Haven out and they agreed. I wanted to take the RV out, but Ben convinced me it was better to just camp. He was right and camping really wasn’t that bad! It was more like “Glamping” because it was a huge tent, we had a blow-up mattress, pack and play, and even a space heater. My kind of camping!
It was a really good time. Haven and B got along great and seemed to enjoy the parades. We got a ridiculous amount of stuff and loved connecting with family and friends at this crazy holiday in New Orleans.
Something really fun we did was JAMNOLA this modern art place that celebrated local artists. Fun times!
On our way home, we stopped at a subway which had a graveyard accross the street. To stretch our legs we walked around the graves for a bit and Blakely liked laying on the stones because they were warm from the sun. The drive back really wasnt’ that bad. We figured out a way to stream a disney movie from our phone which kept B entertained. It just sucked all my data for the month but it’s worth not having a grumpy baby in the back.
This month has been a time to recalibrate and think about our summer plans. We need to sell this RV (hopefully soon) and then we want to start working on the lawn, garden, and garage.

Will have updates later!
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