Being from the west, both Ben and I were not familiar with the smokey mountains, or how big Dolly Parton is. Let’s start from the beginning.
We went to church on Sunday thinking it was Kevin and Melora’s ward. They were off with her family in Nashville and not able to attend. We sat behind a couple with 4 kids who were doing their best with the young ones during sacrament. Afterward, the husband turned around to apologize (which he totally didn’t need too) and we got talking about our adventures.
He is a part owner for Climbworks, a zip lining company that has locations in Gatlinburg (which is close by) as well as Oahu (where we are going in December). He extended some free passes and we were ecstatic to try them out in Hawaii! What a neat family!
To say thank you, we offered to bring their family over dinner. As we sat around eating Indian food, we learned that they have a tiny home business and offered to have us stay for a night! We were honestly shocked. How cool is this?

They bought 16 tiny homes and assembled them on their property and doing really well. This is a very visited area and is second to the wedding in LV. So pretty much they are crushing it. We asked them about things to do around here and they mentioned Dollywood. Ben and I were on the fence but the couple offered their season passes so we got a good deal. There are so many good people in this world and we are lucky to have run into these guys.
We accepted their offer to stay in their tiny house after we went to Dollywood the next day. So here we go!

It was cold… like in the 30s cold. We went early in the morning because we wanted to get the most out of this experience and MAN this place was a huge amusement park. Rides, shows, restaurants, stores, a steam engine train, and even her old RV tour bus! I had no idea this place even existed.

We HAD to see what Dolly’s RV bus was like inside… I have to say, I like ours better.
Because it was so cold, none of the rides were going which was disappointing but it was still fun to walk around and see the shows.

Every aspect had some sort of fun theme.
Tiny Homes
At the end of the day, we felt frozen. We had layers on but it still felt like we were cold to the bone all day. After Dollywood, we headed over to the Long Springs tiny homes which were SO NICE! The RV doesn’t have great insulation so it was nice just to walk in and instantly feel warmer.

This location is really central to everything in the area. It has a small playground, outdoor games, and a fire pit if you have a group of friends that want to stay, we highly recommend this place!
Thanks, guys for everything! We are really excited to try out Climbworks in Hawaii. Also, those pulled pork nachos you recommended at Blue Moose were AMAZING!
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