Holidays are 100% more fun with kids.
The summer has come to a close in Texas and we have enjoyed the cooler weather. Here are some of the fun things we did this fall.
Peoria AZ
We missed Nana J and decided to head to AZ and spend two weeks. Ben had a work trip for a week, so Blakely and I hung out with Grandma. When Ben came back we stayed an extra week to chill and enjoy the dessert. We mainly hung out at home but did go see some animals. Ben and I also got to go on a date! We went to see the play Chicago and I was pretty shocked at how risky it was!

Oh, how I love Halloween. Back in September, I went to a kids consignment place and stumbled upon a Mr. Puff outfit from Ghostbusters. I texted Ben and asked, “Can we please go as Ghostbusters this year?” Of course, he said yes 🙂 I went as Zuul and did my best to figure out that weird red/gold dress she was wearing. There was one online for like $80! So I just bought a similar dress and called it good. The ward did a “Candy Hunt” which is pretty much just an easter egg hunt but with candy. It was perfect for Miss B. She seemed a little confused at first but soon realized there was candy on the ground and got on board.
I not only got the Mr. Puff outfit but a few more because I really couldn’t help myself. They are so cute!
Little Halloween Party

We haven’t done much at our house since moving in. But I got the itch to throw a “little” Halloween party at our place. I invited some ladies from the ward and our workout group that I know had kids between the ages of 1-3. Some 4-5-year-olds came but I just warned the parents most activities would be more for the younger kids. We had slim, orange rice, beanbag toss, treats, and a few games for them to play. We ended with watching Garfield’s Halloween and everyone went home. It only lasted 2 hours but was super fun to have people over. I like hosting parties.
Robinson Farm Festival

Someone in our ward told us about the Robinson Family Farm just south of us, near Temple Texas. We decided to make an outing which really paid off. We went super early in the morning and I really thought we would be the only ones there. The Farm opened at 10 am and we were there about 9:30. My mom-brain was thinking “what can we do while we wait?” Well! We show up and there is already a crowd waiting to get in. There was this fun little waiting area with pumpkins and a bunch of “Instagram ready” places to pose. Needless to say, we were pleasantly surprised.
Inside there were numerous activities. Most tailored to a little older than Blakely but we still had a bunch of fun! The tractor pull was a huge hit. They also had a pumpkin patch, bounce pad, games, and even a helicopter ride!
Grandma Jeanne Comes To Town
We can never have enough grandma time! Grandma Jeanne came to town for a week and we showed her around Waco. Blakely quickly connected to her and they are great friends. We went to the Zoo, Magnolia, the children’s museum, Homestead, as well as Cameron Park.
It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is in a few weeks. Time really does get faster when you get older.
I loved your post. It’s so much fun to hear and see all about your adventures.
Nana J
I love this! Thank you for sharing the adventures of your cute family!