A lot has happened in these last few months!
First of all, January was better than December, that’s for sure. My girl friends from the ward threw a baby shower for me that was really fun, we finally got our dishwasher fixed and working, and I occupied myself with puzzles and listening to Harry Potter. I was in the last and final weeks of my pregnancy with Bronson.

We welcomed a little baby boy to our family! Click here to check out Bronsons birth story.

Blakely absolutely loves this little boy. Not one ounce of jealously or contempt. She gives him plenty of hugs and kisses. There was an adjustment period for everyone but for the most part, this time has been magical. Not sure how Blakely got cuter as an older sister but she is still such a joy. Bronson is a pretty easy baby. Doesn’t cry unless he is hungry or wants to know where mommy is. He also doesn’t love his car seat but hopefully he gets more use to it.

As for mommy, I am slowly healing and trying to take it easy with a toddler and a new born. The house is a mess but it’s just this stage of life. Nana J came for a week to help out the first week Bronson was born. It was a huge help especially giving Blakely the attention she needed as Daddy took care of mommy and baby. We are so lucky to have a Nana J!
February seems to be the month for birthdays. Bronson on the 8th, Blakely on the 15th and Benjamins is on the 21st. While Nana J was here we celebrated Blakely’s birthday with a special chocolate cake and played pin the tail on the donkey. As for Bens birthday, I arranged an outing with his buddies in the ward to go Axe throwing and they said they had a great time.

As time has gone on, we have gotten into more of a rhythm. Daddy is working part time which is a HUGE help. We sleep in, eat breakfast together, read scriptures then dad starts work around 10 and works until 2. By then mommy needs a break and a little nap. Then around 5 we cook dinner and have free time before bed. Before I would get really anxious if we didn’t have anything planned for the day but since I need to take it super easy, I have gotten use to being home and just enjoying this time together. Blakely does want to be held and carried around more. But making sure we spend lots of one on one time with her helps regulate her little (and big) toddler emotions.
While mom has been staying in bed, dad and Blakely have been walking around the block looking for coins. When she collects enough, she goes to the store and buys something. Well Grandma gave her $3 for turning 3 so she was excited to go buy something. While at the dollar store, she picked out a few toys and was at the register. She dropped the dollars and while they were picking them up, the lady in front thought she was so cute she just paid for Blakelys toys. It was an incredibly sweet gesture. We laughed that she gets so many free things in life because she is so dang cute. Not the best lesson to learn in life but we will still try and teach her to use her $$$ wisely.
Something else really funny that Blakely is doing is pretending to be pregnant.

So asking for us to get things for her because she “is pregnant” or that her back hurts is a common phrase. It’s really cute how she will pretend to go to the midwifes to get the baby looked at.
We have a few family members on the Nye side coming the next few months which is really exciting. Will keep updating!

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