I got scared…
Niagara Falls in an interesting town…
It felt like an old run down and outdated Las Vegas. Sorry if you live there but we were really shocked how expensive everything was, but also old.
We got to Niagara Falls and stayed for just one day. Long enough to check out the town and experience the falls. We started off with the tower which had some amazing views of both the American side, as well as the Canadian side. If you have a choice between the two, see the Canadian side.

Then headed to the instructional movie. I think that’s where things turned weird. The movie was from the 70s and really shaky. There were times both Ben and I had to turn away. It mentioned the Indian bride who ran away from her arranged marriage and decided to kayak over the cliffs. Now she is a protector of the waves and decides who to keep alive and who should fall victim to the falls.
But this video just talked about people over time who went over the falls. Some lived some died. It made me angry that people would even toy with something like this!
Dare Devil Museam

Right next to the movie theatre was a Dare Devil Museum. We thought it would be like “daredevils though-out time” and talk about people like Evel Knievel but nope… just more gumballs that pushed their luck going over the falls. It seemed about 60% of anyone who tried died.
Some guy tied an anvil to his feet so the bottom of the “barrel” would be heavy and keep him upright. His plan didn’t work out so well as the only thing left of him when they opened it up was his arm.
Oh! And if you decide to take on the falls, know that you will be fined 25K on the American side and 10K on the Canadian. Just so you know.

To the Falls!
We walked alongside these beautiful falls and really couldn’t believe the amount of water falling down. The closer we got, the more weirded out I became. Seeing the fast water going over the cliff with just a small wire fence keeping people from their mortal peril, was enough to freak me out. We were going to do the boat tour the next morning but to be honest, I wasn’t excited about going. I mentioned my feeling to Ben and since it was $25 a person, and he had already been, he didn’t object.
So for
Crossing the Boarder
Crossing the border back into the USA was definitely harder than getting into Canada. Which I can appreciate. It was around 9-11, and we were young people driving an RV. We had a border patrol search our RV, and as he opened up our closet, some of my “unmentionables” fell out. I was slightly embarrassed but also thought it was a good story. He didn’t try to pick them up (hehe)
We were asked to wait as they search our lower compartments and we were out of there within an hour and a half. Not too shabby.
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