Palmyra New York has a special place in our hearts. Being members of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints, we hold high respect for this area as it holds some historicly important events.
In 1820 a boy named Joseph Smith
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Bens has visited this place many times but it was the first for me. We started out by taking the tour of the Smith farmhouse which was reconstructed from letters and old foundation. They even recreated the room where Joseph was visited by the angel Moroni!

Next we had some time to walk through the sacred grove where Joseph was first visited. No one was there and it was a beautiful time of year. The spirit was strong as we walked. I love the gospel.

Next we went and visited the Temple grounds where work for the dead is performed. Some of the nicest Elder missionaries were there.

After spending some time in the visitor center, we made our way to the Hill Comorah. This place is special as this is where the angle directed Joseph to find a hidden ancient manuscript made out of gold and metal plates.

Not knowing exactly where the plates were buried, they have monument that explians how the church was restored. As we looked closer, it said Sept 21st was the day that Joseph was able to take the plates. It was Sept 21st, 2018! The exact same date! How cool is that?

Learn more about The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints
The fun didn’t stop there! We actually went into the town of Palmyra and visited the building where the Book Of Mormon was printed.

Both Ben and I served missions for the church, this book is very special to us. I served in West Virginia, and he served in the Philippines.
I may have geeked out a little bit while I was there. The visitor center missionaries went through all the hardships and trials it took to actually print the book. But the Lord’s work went on!

So happy that Ben and I could share this experience together. We appreciate and respect what the early saints went through and hope that we can build the kingdom as much as they did.
Learn more about The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints
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