New Orleans was a blast and we have really been enjoying the toys. They were free and we really don’t care if they get ruined. Do your worst Blakely! We ended up inviting anyone and everyone to come take what they want. What ever was left we just took to Goodwill.

Blakely is now getting to the age where she can interact and (hopefully) remember things so I have been putting more effort into holidays. Here comes Easter!

So when I say effort, it really consisted of buying a bag of jelly beans and easter eggs. She It was pretty confusing at first why there were colorful eggs around the yard but once she realized that there was candy in them, she was on board. This white dress was a dress I wore at this age. She looked so cute that day!
Ben got called as the primary chorister which is like a full time job when it comes to callings. He teaches the kids songs in primary and is in charge of primary programs. We got to church early and write lyrics up on the white board or play the piano. B Loves it. Next Easter I will be better at incorporating more scriptures and Christ into the holiday.
Blue Bonnet Pictures
I couldn’t help my self. Are you kidding me? This girl loved tromping around in her yellow dress and boots with the butterflies and blue bonnets. I have a great video of her chasing a butter fly that Nana J gets a kick out of.


In May we had a quick trip to AZ while Ben when to a work conference in California. I didn’t get to many pictures but we love spending time with Nana J and helping her with her house. Blakely is a huge helper and we went to the neighbors (Paces) pool about everyday. She loves swimming. It was cold but just hanging out is fun. As a bonus, they have a dog, a trampoline and a play set. Ellie Pace is a great neighbor and a good example of a mom/member of the church. She does so much. She gave me the best recipe book I would run back into a burning house if needed.
Ben and I went to our first crawdad boil at a place called the Angry Crab. It was super good and I would 100% go back. A fun experience. As a side note, there was a table next to us that was complaining really bad about the food but took all the leftovers after getting a huge discount. Sad that people use this tactic just to getaway from paying full price. We gave them a good tip.
Summer Time Activities!
Summer time is full of adventures. We go to the Mayborn museum, a Baylor petty zoo, and even to a ballet recital for our friend Nelly!

We also frequent the zoo which has some really great animals to see!

Blakely is a very good helper and often says “me do” before taking over. I do my best to let her explore and figure things out on her own. It’s a lovely compliment when she wants to do everything mom do, especially cook and cut fruits and veggies up.

Grandma Comes To Town
Oh man, we sure love it when Nana J comes to visit. Again, Ben had a work conference and Joanna came to stay. We ended up having to drop off/pick up Ben in Dallas so we stayed at an old roommates of his that was out of town. It worked out great except they had the biggest dog ever! It was really great with kids but Blakely was still terrified. Understandably, that dog was at least 10xs her size.

Once Ben came back, we did a few things in Dallas worth noting. The Dallas world aquarium. So cool!

It’s expensive but worth the trip. We also went to the Dallas Perot museam but I didn’t get any pictures.
It was a huge blessing Nana came because I actually found out I was pregnant in May and expecting a little boy in Feb 23. 1st trimesters are the worst. You have no energy and nothing makes you feel better. She was a good buddy to Blakely.
Onto more exciting things for the summer !
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