I sure do love the fall, especially after a hot Texas summer. The leaves do change here in Waco and the weather does have cold fronts.
This Fall we did a bunch of fun activities. We started off with our annual Halloween party. It’s a life goal of mine to throw epic Halloween parties every year. I know I need to start small so focusing on kid activities is a great place to start. This year was a huge success! The best one yet! Thanks to everyone who came.

Ben is very supportive and even dressed up in his classic Rocky onesie. I was a butterfly and Blakely was a princess ballerina. Look at those abs! One of the ladies that came over thought Ben wasn’t wearing a shirt and felt like she couldn’t look at him. It was pretty funny. Also, most of the kids are in primary where he teaches the songs so they were a little weirded out.

Waco Fair and Fall Festivals
We walked to the Waco fair at the Event center close by. It was really fun and had a huge petting zoo. A little chaotic for Blakely so we ended up feeding the animals from the outside. They even had baby kangaroos!
We mainly just walked around, had some crappy fair food, then saw a seal show and walked home. I was feeling icecream but everything at the fair was $8+ we we just stopped by DQ on the way home. Not bad for a weekend activity.

We also attended a local church fair with little kid games and a smaller petting zoo where Blakley fell in love with a bunny.

Family In Town
Kevin, Melora, and cousin Haven came for Halloween! Haven is 5-6 months younger than Blakely so it was interesting to see how Blakely reacted to having someone in her space. We learned a lot about sharing and waiting to play with toys.
We had a bunch planned but poor little Haven got an ear infection and wasn’t feeling very good. We still had a blast. Here are a few things we did while they were here.

Kevin had to get back early for work but Haven and Melora stayed and we all went Trick-or-Treating together. It was fun to see these girls go door to door.

Our family dressed up as Winnie the Pooh characters. I had this same costume when I was pregnant with Blakely and just added the piglet costume. Blakely loves the show so it worked out well. Funny story, Ben ordered a size large “Christopher Robin” shirt off Amazon, and when it came, it was Asian large so it was crazy tight. We had a good laugh but he wasn’t able to wear it on Halloween.

Potty Training and Ballet Classes
Other than our usual toddler activities, we have added Ballet classes. The goal for Potty training was an Ariel toy and start Ballet classes. She is the youngest in the class by 5 months but seems to enjoy it. Every week she gets better at following directions. The first class she was to shy to do much but she would repeat the drills when she got home. We also started a gymnastics class which I think she likes more so we will see. When swimming starts I will probably for sure pull her from Ballet classes because… I would rather have her learn how to swim rather than Ballet but as for now, it’s nice to have some outside activities besides mom entertainment.

The Baby Bump
Our little boy is growing! I have an awesome midwife and we are super stoked to have an addition to the family. I know it will be completely different and hard in its own way but we do want to have more kids. Blakely is also really excited about a little brother. My body hurts but I am not as tired as in the first trimester. That was rough. Through my insurance, I have a Chiropracter appointment as well as a massage every other week which is so crazy nice. Trying to take good care of this body of mine.
We are happy, healthy, and looking forward to this holiday season.