Hello and thanks for stopping by our blog! Those Christmas cards are WAY to small to put any updates.
Before we get into the highs & lows of this last year, we want to thank you for being apart of our lives. We would love to hear an update from you as a comment below!
Life is crazy and we want to keep in touch in some way and figured a Christmas card is a good/adult way of doing so. Let’s get started!

Molly Highlights For 2019
Molly had an amazing year traveling the country with Ben in an RV. She really loved planning the routes and activities around the country, as well as the”driving days” because of the long talks and great views.
She saw many places between Florida, all the way up to Oregon, and down the California coast, all within a year.
One of her favorite stops was in New Orleans where were she attended Mardi Gras and had a ridiculously good time. However, the biggest highlight of the year was June 4th, 2019 when Molly found out she was pregnant with her first baby. She is looking forward to being a mom this next year to a little girl!
Molly’s Lowlights For 2019
This year had a few lows just like everyone does. However, the ones that stand out the most to Molly would have to be the morning sickness between weeks 8-14. Molly’s mother didn’t remember ever being sick with her 5 kids, so she figured good genes would take over and it wouldn’t be a problem. However, it was much worse than she expected. NOT FUN!
The other low was this last month in November when hiking in Peoria on Thunderbird Mountain. Molly was just walking and somehow twisted her ankle so bad on a ledge, she got a 3rd-degree sprain in her right ankle and really struggled to walk for a few weeks. The swelling and bruising were really bad. Even the underside of her toes was purple! As an update, she is doing fine and the pregnancy/sprained ankle waddle has been reduced to a minimum.
During the little “fall” she totally smashed her iPhone but thought it was sweet when Ben pushed her around in a wheelchair at the mall that night to get it fixed at the Apple store.
Bens Highlights For 2019
As Molly, mentioned we are really excited to have our first child! So aside from that here are some of the other exciting parts of 2019.

Exploring National Parks
America is huge! We spent 16 months driving around it and still didn’t see everything. Ben loved being able to go to so many types of National Parks. From the awe-inspiring giant Redwoods, to the freaks of nature in Yellowstone, to the amazing hikes and views in Zions & Yosemite.
Re-connecting With Friends

Another awesome part of driving all over the country is that we were able to connect with friends and family to enjoy their city with them . We didn’t get to see everyone we wanted to, but we love excuses to visit more people
Working Remote
A lot of people think that we are on permanent vacation, but we still put in fulltime hours into our jobs. Ben has been running his own consulting company from the RV, and recently has joined a great agency called KlientBoost.

Bens Lowlights For 2019
Forcing Pregnant Wife To Travel in a RV
We really enjoyed the traveling, but it is not always easy or glamours. Molly was a trooper for sticking with RVing through morning sickness and fluctuating weather conditions .
Looking Forward To 2020!
This next year will be interesting as there are a lot of unknowns!
We will be spending the first few months of 2020 in Salt Lake City waiting for our new family member to arrive. We are both excited to become parents but also nervous about the learning curve that comes along with it. We figure it’s like everything else that’s new. Just take it a day at a time.
We plan to move back to Texas in the Spring but not sure where we will exactly land or live. There is a chance we could buy a house in Austin Texas, (where we met) or we have toyed with the idea of getting an RV park somewhere in east Texas on a lake. Either way, they are both fun options we look forward too.

We are extremely blessed and grateful this time of year as we remember Jesus Christ. We are thankful for so many things, and one of them is knowing you!